FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Pasha Darby to our FastTrack Team. Pasha has significant experience in the tile business (about 20 years). Working out of Brooksville, Florida it is important to note that Pasha is a BAMA football fan...sorry, mistake, he currently cheers for the fighting Irish. Pasha is married with 3 children. He likes hunting, fishing, and poker (but could he hold his own at a poker game at the ponderosa?). Pasha will be performing Reviews and Refigures for Lowe's work; he will be starting with details from J & S Flooring. Please welcome Pasha to our team.
Floorsoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Steve Paul to our FastTrack team. Steve will be working out of Johnson City, Tennessee. With 35+ years of experience in the flooring industry, Steve brings a lot of knowledge to the table. For the last 3+ years, Steve has been delivering flooring measures to Lowe's. Please welcome Steve to the team.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce that Mr. Jeff Lemly has joined our FastTrack team. Jeff was born and raised in North Carolina and comes to us with 23 years of experience in the Flooring Industry. Jeff started installing flooring in college and installed for Lowe's for years. We welcome Jeff to our team.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. David Burton to our FastTrack team. David hails from Upstate New York and started in the Flooring Business in 1992 (introduced by our great friend, Don Bressler). David's favorite hobby is keeping his wife happy which means he is a very smart guy. Unfortunately he is a Florida Gator fan, but we are going to take a chance on him anyway. Please join us in welcoming David to the team.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Mark Gaboury to our FastTrack Team. Mark will be working out of Apopka, Florida. With 35 years of experience in the flooring industry, Mark brings a wealth of knowledge to our team and we look forward to working with him.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Jay Culpepper to our FastTrack Team. Jay will be working out of Chesterfield, Virginia. With 40 years of experience in the flooring industry, Jay brings a ton of knowledge to our team and we look forward to working with him. Initially, Jay will be working reviews/refigures from measures coming from the West Coast.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Brian Doyal to our FastTrack Team and to ProMeasuring. Yes, Brian is the brother of Rich. Brian has significant experience with the FloorWizard system and has been in the measuring field for many years. Brian will be performing Reviews and Refigures for FloorSoft as well as helping us bring our ProMeasuring services to the Tampa, Florida area. Both Rich and Brian were very instrumental in helping us get ProMeasuring started in Tampa, and we are grateful for their assistance.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Stan Greene to our FastTrack Team. Stan is an experienced FloorWizard user and has been in the flooring business for 40 years. Stan will be working out of Macon, GA doing Reviews and Refigures for our customers across the nation. There must be something in the water down there in Macon; Stan has 7 kids and 13 grandkids.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Tommy Waller to our FastTrack Team. Tommy is an experienced FloorWizard user and has been in the flooring business since 1969. Working out of Atlanta, GA Tommy’s more recent experience is as a Lowe’s Detailer using the APEX measuring software. Tommy is a good find for us, and he will be doing Reviews and Refigures for our customers across the nation.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Rich Doyal to our FastTrack Team and to ProMeasuring. Working out of Tampa-Florida, Rich has significant experience with the FloorWizard system and has been in the measuring field for many years. Rich will be performing Reviews and Refigures for FloorSoft as well as helping us bring our ProMeasuring services to the Tampa area.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Dean Gufford to our FastTrack Team. Dean has significant experience with the FloorWizard system and has been in the measuring field for about 20 years. Working out of Ocala, Florida it is important to note that Dean is a BAMA Football fan (unless they are playing Florida). Dean will be performing Reviews and Refigures for Lowe’s work.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Matthew Pellegrin to our FastTrack Team. Matthew has extensive experience with the FloorWizard system for field measuring. Working out of Lafayette-Louisiana, Matthew will be performing Reviews and Refigures for Lowe’s work on the East Coast.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Dean Pellegrin to our FastTrack Team. Dean has extensive experience with the FloorWizard system for field measuring. Working out of Louisiana, Dean will be performing Reviews and Refigures for Lowe’s work on the West Coast.
We are pleased to announce that after a 10-year chase, Alexander Flooring has signed up for our FloorWizard System. Alexander Flooring is a Lowe’s Installer out of Cerritos, California.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Tim Cox to our FastTrack Team. Tim has a lot of FloorWizard experience as he has used the system for field measuring for several years. Working out of Louisiana, Tim will be performing Reviews and Refigures for Lowe’s work on the West Coast. We are excited to have Tim on our team!
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the hiring of Mr. Stephen Kennedy. Stephen comes to us with a ton of experience in flooring management and sales. Stephen is a long-time user and awesome, powerful, supporter of our FloorWizard program and team. Stephen’s latest experience was with Flowers Enterprises where he sold flooring and closed in the home with FloorWizard. Before that, he was an important leader on the Service Pros Review and Refigure team. Stephen’s initial responsibilities will be focused on FastTrack, ProMeasuring, and Site Express.
FloorSoft is pleased to announce the launch of ProMeasuring. ProMeasuring is a national measuring service that will use FloorWizard to provide accurate, low-cost measurements for a wide range of clients and industries throughout the U.S. and Canada.
We are pleased to announce that the FloorWizard "Ownership Model" will arrive on Tuesday, November 12th at 11:30 PM EST.
We are pleased to announce that FloorSoft and Surge1 are entering into a development partnership effective
January 1, 2018. We are very excited about this union, as it allows our two companies to FOCUS our talents
and product development in mutually beneficial directions. Additionally, with a larger team, we should be able
to deliver faster, provide better service, and produce results that are superior in design and function.
FloorSoft is a software development company with headquarters in Dalton, GA. We specialize in optimization
routines for the flooring manufacturers to include Shaw, Mohawk, The Dixie Group, Beaulieu, and Phenix.
Additionally, over the last 19 years, FloorSoft has developed a powerful, cloud-based Scheduling, Project
Tracking, Measuring, and Estimation software for flooring retailers, installers, restoration, and renovation
companies (FloorWizard). With over 1500 users in 46 states and Canada, FloorWizard has become a world-class
Surge1 is a software development company with headquarters in Nashville, TN. They specialize in
office automation software for big box installation companies that seamlessly integrates office, field and
warehouse for PO Capture, Scheduling, Communication and Notifications, Invoicing, Reporting and QuickBooks
Interfacing. Surge1 is a new company that has embraced the very latest cloud development tools and is creating
superior solutions faster than ever. In little more than a year Surge1 has captured over $120 million of the
flooring industry alone. Their solution is easy and affordable, and covers multiple installation categories.
Today we have completed the development of an interface which connects FloorWizard to the FieldAware system. We have already interfaced into other systems that extract information from the FloorWizard database to produce reports and make this data available over the Internet.
Please contact FloorSoft BEFORE you make any decisions about interfacing to other systems, as we may be developing partnerships with companies that provide this functionality or building the functions into FloorWizard directly.